\r\n" ."Return-Path: " . $From_Email . "\r\n" ."Reply-To: $From_Email"."\r\n" ."X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); $send = mail($toEmail, $Subject, $bodyString, $headers); if($send == 1){ if(strlen($URL)>1){ echo "An Email has been sent with the information you requested.
"; echo "You should be redirected. If you are not, please click here
"; echo ""; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------IMAGE UPLOAD FUNCTION function zrImgUpload($File,$path,$Dir,$Name){ global $MaxSize; $Answer = 0; if (($_FILES[$File]['type'] == "image/gif") or ($_FILES[$File]['type'] == "image/jpeg") or ($_FILES[$File]['type'] == "image/pjpeg")){ if ($_FILES[$File]['size'] < $MaxSize){ $ext = ".jpg"; if ($_FILES[$File]['type'] == "image/gif"){ $ext = ".gif"; } $DirPrefix = "/the-babyroom.com/".$path; //echo $DirPrefix; //exit; $Name = "$Name"."$ext"; $conn_id = ftp_connect("ftp.the-babyroom.com"); $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, "lownams", "s2ves"); // check connection if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) { echo "FTP connection has failed!"; echo "Attempted to connect to ftp server"; }else{ ftp_chdir($conn_id, $DirPrefix); if(is_dir($Dir) == 0){ //check for and create destination directory if needed //@ftp_mkdir($conn_id, "$Dir"); } //echo $DirPrefix."/".$Dir; //exit; ftp_chdir($conn_id, $Dir); $upload = ftp_put($conn_id, $Name, $_FILES[$File]['tmp_name'], FTP_BINARY); // upload the file if (!$upload) { echo "FTP upload has failed!"; exit; }else{ $Answer = $Name; ftp_close($conn_id); // close the FTP stream } } } } return $Answer; } //------------------------------------- //---------------------------FTP DELETE function zrFiledelete($file){ // set up basic connection $conn_id = ftp_connect("ftp.the-babyroom.com"); // login with username and password $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, "lownams", "s2ves"); // try to delete $file if (ftp_delete($conn_id, "/the-babyroom.com/"."$file")) { //echo "$file deleted successful\n"; } else { //echo "could not delete $file\n"; } // close the connection ftp_close($conn_id); } //------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------- function getSectionDescription($section){ $row = zrQ("select * from productTypes where ID = ".$section); echo $row[0]['description']; } function getThumbs($section){ global $productID; $maxThumbs = 9; $row = zrQ("select * from products where productType = ".$section." and visible=1 order by title ASC"); $t = ""; $count = 0; for ($i=0;$i < $maxThumbs;$i++){ if($count == 0){ $t = $t.""; } if($i < count($row)){ $ID = $row[$i]['ID']; $title = $row[$i]['title']; $thumb = $row[$i]['thumbNail']; //Build table $css = "standardThumb"; if($productID == "0"){ if($i == 0){ $css = "selectedThumb"; $productID = $ID; } } if($productID == $ID){ $css = "selectedThumb"; } //$t = $t.""; $t = $t.""; }else{ $t = $t.""; } $count++; if($count == 3){ $t = $t.""; $count = 0; } } $t = $t."



Click on a product above to view a fullsize image and description.
"; echo $t; } $product; function loadProduct(){ global $product,$productID; $product = zrQ("select * from products where Id = ".$productID); } function getFullImg(){ global $product,$productID; if(!isset($product)){ loadProduct(); } $img = $product[0]['fullSize']; //echo "
"; echo ""; } function getDescription(){ global $product,$productID; if(!isset($product)){ loadProduct(); } echo "
"; } function getDetails(){ global $product,$productID; if(!isset($product)){ loadProduct(); } $title = $product[0]['title']; $sizes = $product[0]['sizes']; echo "".$title."
Sizes: ".$sizes; } function getPatterns(){ global $productID; $t=""; $count = 0; $row = zrQ("select * from patterns where productId = ".$productID." Order by title ASC"); if($row[0]['RowCount'] < 1){ $t = $t.""; }else{ for ($i=0;$i < count($row);$i++){ if($count == 0){ $t = $t.""; } $title = $row[$i]['title']; $image = $row[$i]['image']; $t = $t.""; $count++; if($count == 3){ $t = $t.""; $count = 0; } } } $t = $t."
"; echo $t; } ?> <? echo $Site_Title; ?>

This section contains samples of our line of baby clothes. First, select a tab on the right to go to your section of interest. Then, please click on a thumbnail to see a magnified image of any piece shown on the left panel. Details of the materials, designs, sizes, and pattern options will also be displayed with the enlarged image on the right panel.

The materials we offer:
100% Cotton
TC Blend: 65% Polyester, 35% Cotton
CVC Blend: 10% Polyester, 90% Cotton

The sizes are coded according to the age of the toddler as 1T, 2T, 3T, and
as 3-6; 6-9; and 9-12 for infants, respectively.

Most of the clothing is offered in a wide range of colors suited to the demand.

This page is updated periodically to keep up with our newest seasonal designs. All characters and designs contained here are unique and are the intellectual property of the-babyroom.com.


