\r\n" ."Return-Path: " . $From_Email . "\r\n" ."Reply-To: $From_Email"."\r\n" ."X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); $send = mail($toEmail, $Subject, $bodyString, $headers); if($send == 1){ if(strlen($URL)>1){ echo "An Email has been sent with the information you requested.
"; echo "You should be redirected. If you are not, please click here
"; echo ""; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------IMAGE UPLOAD FUNCTION function zrImgUpload($File,$path,$Dir,$Name){ global $MaxSize; $Answer = 0; if (($_FILES[$File]['type'] == "image/gif") or ($_FILES[$File]['type'] == "image/jpeg") or ($_FILES[$File]['type'] == "image/pjpeg")){ if ($_FILES[$File]['size'] < $MaxSize){ $ext = ".jpg"; if ($_FILES[$File]['type'] == "image/gif"){ $ext = ".gif"; } $DirPrefix = "/the-babyroom.com/".$path; //echo $DirPrefix; //exit; $Name = "$Name"."$ext"; $conn_id = ftp_connect("ftp.the-babyroom.com"); $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, "lownams", "s2ves"); // check connection if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) { echo "FTP connection has failed!"; echo "Attempted to connect to ftp server"; }else{ ftp_chdir($conn_id, $DirPrefix); if(is_dir($Dir) == 0){ //check for and create destination directory if needed //@ftp_mkdir($conn_id, "$Dir"); } //echo $DirPrefix."/".$Dir; //exit; ftp_chdir($conn_id, $Dir); $upload = ftp_put($conn_id, $Name, $_FILES[$File]['tmp_name'], FTP_BINARY); // upload the file if (!$upload) { echo "FTP upload has failed!"; exit; }else{ $Answer = $Name; ftp_close($conn_id); // close the FTP stream } } } } return $Answer; } //------------------------------------- //---------------------------FTP DELETE function zrFiledelete($file){ // set up basic connection $conn_id = ftp_connect("ftp.the-babyroom.com"); // login with username and password $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, "lownams", "s2ves"); // try to delete $file if (ftp_delete($conn_id, "/the-babyroom.com/"."$file")) { //echo "$file deleted successful\n"; } else { //echo "could not delete $file\n"; } // close the connection ftp_close($conn_id); } //------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------- function getSectionDescription($section){ $row = zrQ("select * from productTypes where ID = ".$section); echo $row[0]['description']; } function getThumbs($section){ global $productID; $maxThumbs = 9; $row = zrQ("select * from products where productType = ".$section." and visible=1 order by title ASC"); $t = ""; $count = 0; for ($i=0;$i < $maxThumbs;$i++){ if($count == 0){ $t = $t.""; } if($i < count($row)){ $ID = $row[$i]['ID']; $title = $row[$i]['title']; $thumb = $row[$i]['thumbNail']; //Build table $css = "standardThumb"; if($productID == "0"){ if($i == 0){ $css = "selectedThumb"; $productID = $ID; } } if($productID == $ID){ $css = "selectedThumb"; } //$t = $t.""; $t = $t.""; }else{ $t = $t.""; } $count++; if($count == 3){ $t = $t.""; $count = 0; } } $t = $t."



Click on a product above to view a fullsize image and description.
"; echo $t; } $product; function loadProduct(){ global $product,$productID; $product = zrQ("select * from products where Id = ".$productID); } function getFullImg(){ global $product,$productID; if(!isset($product)){ loadProduct(); } $img = $product[0]['fullSize']; //echo "
"; echo ""; } function getDescription(){ global $product,$productID; if(!isset($product)){ loadProduct(); } echo "
"; } function getDetails(){ global $product,$productID; if(!isset($product)){ loadProduct(); } $title = $product[0]['title']; $sizes = $product[0]['sizes']; echo "".$title."
Sizes: ".$sizes; } function getPatterns(){ global $productID; $t=""; $count = 0; $row = zrQ("select * from patterns where productId = ".$productID." Order by title ASC"); if($row[0]['RowCount'] < 1){ $t = $t.""; }else{ for ($i=0;$i < count($row);$i++){ if($count == 0){ $t = $t.""; } $title = $row[$i]['title']; $image = $row[$i]['image']; $t = $t.""; $count++; if($count == 3){ $t = $t.""; $count = 0; } } } $t = $t."
"; echo $t; } ?> <? echo $Site_Title; ?>

About Us

The-Babyroom is a company that is dedicated to facilitating and providing a reliable business link between manufacturers of baby clothing products and retailers. We are interested in catering our services to the needs of all clients from small businesses to large corporations. Our company is willing to work with you to place orders for quantities, designs, and styles that best suit your establishment.

The printing garment is a family profession with over 25 years of experience with its factory located in China. We employ the best modern production equipment as well as a staff of highly motivated, creative, and dedicated individuals. Our team ranges from R&D specialists to designers, advertising agents, and managers who all embrace our unique entrepeneurial spirit.